A downloadable project

RetroViral Games Premium Asset License






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This work is under the licensed RetroViral Games Premium Asset License.

Purchasing assets from RetroViral Games Ltd grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use those assets in personal and commercial works of a digital multi-media nature*, such as video games, computer applications, multi-media videos and/or presentations.

You may:

Adapt - remix, transform, or otherwise modify and build upon the material to create derivative works for your purposes within this constraints of this license.

Reuse - use source files or adapted versions of the source files in an unlimited number of personal and/or commercial projects within the constraints of this license.

Promote - use depictions of source files or adapted versions of the source files as they are utilized in works covered by this license for the purpose of promoting said works in digital advertisements and marketing materials.


You may NOT:

Distribute - copy or redistribute all or part of the source files or adapted versions of the source files nor may they be uploaded to any publicly available online repository or URL or to any other site or service that would make it generally accessible to the public. (Archival back ups to privately protected online repositories, such as a protected, personal Google Drive or GitHub Repo, are permitted.)

Export - offer functions within any work covered by this license that allow full or partial copy or export of all or part of the source files or adapted versions of the source files in such as way as to make them directly accessible to users. (For instance, exporting sprites or tiles individually or as atlases is prohibited, whereas exporting gameplay videos or entire screenshots that do not isolate those assets is permitted.)

Resell - offer for sale all or part of the source files or adapted versions of the source files through any public or private channels.

Sublet - offer a sub-license or sublease of all or part of the source files or adapted versions of the source files through any public or private channels.

Print - publish in print or any other analog format all or part of the source files or adapted versions of the source files without first obtaining the express written permission of RetroViral Games Ltd or a custom license agreement as appropriate. This includes for use in printed instruction and advertising materials related to works covered by this license.

Merchandise - offer for sale or distribution any physical goods or transferable digital commodities (such as NFTs or digital trading cards) containing printed, original or derivative versions of all or part of the source files or adapted versions of the source files without first obtaining the express written permission of RetroViral Games Ltd or a custom license agreement as appropriate.


*Explicitly Approved Works

  • Video Games
  • Computer Games and/or Applications
  • Websites (as long as source files are not exposed per the Distribute and Export clauses)
  • Web comics (as long as source files are not exposed per the Distribute and Export clauses)
  • Video for distribution on sharing sites (such as Youtube, Vimeo, or Dailymotion)
  • Digital advertisement for any of the above (as long as source files are not exposed per the Distribute and Export clauses)

Before utilizing in any work not listed above please contact RetroViral Games Ltd and obtain express written permission or a custom license agreement as appropriate.